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KS4 Kew scientist

Give your key stage 4 pupils a challenge to investigate fungi and climate change.

Challenge overview

Pupils will investigate the unresolved question “How does climate change affect fungal growth and activity?” 

They could investigate how a particular abiotic factor (e.g. temperature or moisture) affects fungal growth or activity in the lab or in the field. 

Learning outcomes 

  • Understand what fungi are and why they are important for life on Earth 

  • Appreciate the effects that climate change may have on the ecosystem 

  • Plan and carry out an investigation to test a hypothesis 

  • Apply the cycle of collecting, presenting and analysing data 

Key vocabulary 

Fungi, ecosystem, investigation, hypothesis, method, sampling, abiotic, biotic, equipment, data, presentation, analysis, evaluation, conclusion ​ 

Background information

Kew has released the first ever State of the World's Fungi report revealing how important fungi are to all life on Earth. Fungi are a source of nutritious food, lifesaving medicines and biotechnology, yet there are still some key unresolved questions around fungi that scientists do not yet know the answer to. One of these questions is: “How does climate change affect fungal growth and activity?” 

Climate change is a pressing issue for us and future generations, but we don’t know how fungi are being affected by this. 

Can you use your lab or fieldwork skills to investigate this? Take the challenge and your results may provide valuable research for the scientific community! 

Did you know? 

Only 56 species of fungi have had their conservation status assessed for the IUCN Red List, compared with 25,452 plants and 68,054 animals 


Wow fact 

90% of living plant species depend on fungi to access essential nutrients through their roots 

How to run the challenge

Part 1: Challenge preparation (1 hour) 

We recommend this is completed in class with the teacher.

  1. Introduce the challenge to your class by playing the short clip in the overview.  All the other tools needed for the challenge are in the 'Resources' section below

  2. Play the Watch and learn video with your class

  3. Print out the What are fungi? infographic for your pupils to read, or display on the whiteboard as a whole class approach 

  4. Print out the Discussion card activity for your pupils to complete in groups, or display the cards on the whiteboard for a whole class approach 

  5. Print out the State of the World’s Fungi chapter for your pupils to read, either in class or as homework 

  6. Assess your pupil's learning with the quiz

Part 2: The challenge (2-3 hours) 

Pupils can complete the challenge alone or in groups, and either in class or as a homework activity.

Kew’s Endeavour challenges are open-ended to encourage pupils to design and carry out their own investigations. For KS4 Kew scientist, pupils investigate the unresolved question “How does climate change affect fungal growth and activity?” 

This could be done through fieldwork or lab work. 

They may wish to see how a particular abiotic factor (e.g. temperature or moisture) affects fungal growth or activity in the lab or monitor a certain population of fungi in the field over time. 

Pupils can do an individual or a group project. 

Your pupils will need to: 

  • Research fungi. What are they? Where do they grow? What do they need to grow and reproduce? 

  • Research climate change and climate predictions for the future 

  • Write a rationale for their investigation; why do we care about fungi? Why would we need to know how climate change will affect them? 

  • Choose a fungus or fungi to perform their investigation on 

  • Investigate the effects of climate change on fungal growth and activity 

  • Creatively present their findings, along with instructions for anyone wishing to reproduce their investigation 

Download lesson plan


KS4 Kew scientist watch and learn

Introduce your pupils to fungi with this ‘Watch and learn’ video.

fungi, climate change
Watch and learn
KS 4

KS4 Kew scientist discussion cards

Invite your pupils to discover the impacts of climate change and how this could affect

fungi, climate change
Discussion cards
KS 4

KS4 Kew scientist what are fungi

Invite your pupils to discover facts about fungi with this infographic.

KS 4

KS4 Kew scientist - State of the world's fungi - chapter 9

Invite your pupils to explore fungi and climate change in this chapter from Kew Science’s

Kew science, fungi, climate change
KS 4

KS4 Kew scientist quiz

Test your pupils' knowledge of fungi with this quiz.

Kew science, fungi, climate change
KS 4

Career skills

Endeavour promotes the acquisition of Science Capital, helping your pupils to have a better understanding of science and its relevance in their lives.  By taking this challenge your pupils will be using the skills of a Kew scientist. 

What does a Kew scientist do? 

Many of Kew’s scientists are biologists. Biologists use research and experiments to learn more about the natural world. They use scientific methods to derive knowledge systematically, performing experiments to ensure that their conclusions are valid and accurate. 

Biologists’ work is important as it contributes to some of the most important issues facing our planet. Kew’s biologists help plants and fungi to be understood, valued and conserved. 


  • Observation - looking at things carefully 

  • Attentiveness - able to pay attention to detail 

  • Researching - finding relevant information 

  • Problem solving - able to find solutions to issues 

  • Classifying - arranging, ordering and grouping things 

  • Questioning - identifying areas that can be studied or tested 

  • Inferring - making informed guesses 

  • Communication - written and verbal